Progesterone saviour after 5-week bleed.
by Denni
Hello Wray. I've spent the last few weeks reading the wealth of information contained on your site, and I must give you my heartfelt thanks for all the effort you put into educating persons about progesterone therapy. My only regret is that I hadn't found your site sooner!
I'm 40 years old, and was diagnosed with PCOS 4 years ago. Looking back, I think I've had PCOS troubles many years before the diagnosis (especially the weight gain). TTC with PCOS is quite frustrating when you simply have no period. This year, I went from no period at all to continuous bleeding for 5 weeks. I've always suspected I was progesterone deficient, but didn't know where to turn. When I wasn't bleeding, the continuous spotting was driving me crazy. My sex life took a severe blow because of this. Out of desperation I resorted to birth control to stop the bleeding, and within hours of taking the first pill, the bleeding stopped. I really didn't want to continue BCP as we're TTC. That was the point when I seriously began considering progesterone cream.
I tried another brand of cream (as I hadn't yet discovered Natpro), and used it for an entire month continuously. Within that time, my asthma improved, edema lessened, and I was in a much better mood. Unfortunately though, my supply ran out as I hadn't bought nearly enough as I needed (was following the usual recommended dosage). I re-started the cream on CD-16, so perhaps I'll actually get a positive ovulation test this month.