
i have severe allergy to progesterone

by Lisa
(Arlington VA)

Hi, everybody,
I have question that nobody can respond to me for many years. I had severe side effects with one shot of Birth control progestin 8 years ago and many problem like reflux, adrenal fatigue, allergies, Candida flair up. From those time I am fighting Candida but still can not win. It cause so much troubles as well as allergy including neurotoxic effects : balance, memory and mood problems. In adition, I entered menopause and my sex hormones very low but the worse I am estrogen dominant. My doc tried me on trouches with bio- estrogen and later progesterone but I have side effects too. My uterus was inflamed long before that and later got hyperplasia. Also I got thrush on my lips from Candida.
Women's Pharmacy wrote that even bio hormones can cause growth of yeast in tests. Probably it is true for me because I have severe allergy to progesterone confirmed by test. I tried it along and got pain joins, chest, neck, gallbladder, etc I was taking drops from allergy but it didn`t helped. I can`t sleep well for many years and I need hormones anyway. Please help with your insight.
PS, I can`t tolerate DHME and many other hormones including adrenal and thyroid hormones and supplement except B5.


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Oct 09, 2012
by: Traci

Have you heard of NAET? I tried natural progesterone and had a bad reaction. I found an NAET practitioner and they found that I was allergic to progesterone. I was treated and then recently started progesterone again and now not only did I not have a bad reaction again but I'm finally cycling normal again and slowly my yeast symptoms are disappearing. Good luck! Trust Wray...she's amazing!

Oct 11, 2012
i have severe allergy to progesterone
by: Wray

Hi Lisa Unfortunately the bcp progestin is not progesterone, but a synthetic version. It drops our own progesterone, in some women severely, sending them into depression and more. In fact "MPA (medroxyprogesterone acetate) is used instead of progesterone in mouse models of sexually transmitted diseases to increase infectibility because progesterone does not have this effect.", see here. The 'shot' you were given would have been MPA. All drug based Contraceptives have the potential to harm. Oestrogen can increase yeasts, but not progesterone, it's protective against Candida and some other pathogens. Progesterone also protects against hyperplasia, see here, here and here. So I don't think you have an allergy to progesterone, but your system has been severely upset by the progestin, plus your oestrogen is too high in ratio to the progesterone. So the last thing you needed was oestrogen. The amount of progesterone you were given was probably far too low, possibly 20mg/day? I recommend 100-200mg/day, often more. I feel you would need at least 200mg/day. The "pain joins, chest, neck, gallbladder" problems you had when tested for an allergy to it, were all caused by oestrogen. Large amounts of progesterone are needed to prevent this initial stimulation of oestrogen. We have more info on our Oestrogen Dominance page. Progesterone also helps sleep, see here, here and here. Do you have your hormone results? If so please look at the ratio of progesterone to oestrogen. We've found from Saliva Tests the ratio of P:E2 should be 600:1 and over to feel well. Take care Wray

Oct 11, 2012
by: Wray

Hi Traci Bless you for the kind words! I've looked up NAET, never heard of it before, makes huge sense to me too. If energy is blocked, in an electric cable too, it will blow a fuse, in us too! The brain is particularly sensitive to this. I told one woman with a 4 year old ADHD child that his brain was short circuiting, and that he needed tyrosine to correct it. He was impossible to be around, screaming and shouting, he couldn't speak one word either. Well it did help and he's now better, began talking within 6 weeks of starting the tyrosine. Judging by Lisa's history, I would say her oestrogen is so out of balance with progesterone that she's suffering severe oestrogen dominance when starting progesterone. And is not actually allergic to it. They probably gave her far too low an amount too. Take care Wray

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