My history and some questions...
by karen
(London UK)
Hi firstly thank you to Wray - how amazing is this site!? I so appreciate all the info on here. Its so empowering for women when our health system lets us all down so badly.
I'm feeling quite overwhelmed with my situation and would appreciate some help.
I am 51 years old here is my hormonal history:-
Since age of 42 I have suffered with v heavy periods. Lumpy breasts, bloating, various oestrogen dominance symptoms which I didnt understand at the time.
Got divorced and have had ongoing severe stress around my ex and our 2 children, financial issues, lack of emotional support.
2013 - diagnosed with ductal breast cancer in my left breast, progesterone and oestrogen receptors. Had surgery to remove. Declined chemo and tamoxifem (as I learned it can cause heavy bleeding and endo cancer). No lymph involvement the bc. Started taking DIM and iron as I was severaly anaemic (haemoglobin was at 4 at time of breast cancer!)
2014 - 2016 - continued heavy periods got worse, I ended up having two blood transfusions in 2015.
Early 2016 - constantly tired, constantly feeling stressed and panicked with an impending sense of doom I couldnt shake - feelings of anxiety switching to depression and back again. My GP tried to get me on antidepressants which I refused and then she checked my thyroid. TSH has been 3 consistently for past year, which is high and I dont feel right but am "within range" so no treatment is being offered. Tested positive for TPO antibodies (GP did test at my insistence) so I have the autoimmune condition Hashimotos - not sure how long I have had it. Also on further (private) testing, my cortisol levels are high and progesterone low. HPA axis not right - low DHEA.
Current - I pretty much stopped having regular periods in May of this year, one heavy bleed in August and not had one since. I was sooo relieved yay I've made it to menopause and managed to keep my uterus (my GP and Gynae both wanted to get it removed). However, the problems have not stopped with menopause as I was hoping.... :-( I now have a thickened endometrial lining, at 17mm, they have diagnosed (by scan) that I have Adenomyosis (part of this is I think genetic - my mother and grandmother both had hysterectomies at around 48 and my sister had grade 4 endometriosis). I also have what they think is a polyp and what they think is a fibroid (the scanner did not think this looked "sinister") on my left ovary. My gynaecologist wanted to do full hysterectormy, ie uterus and both ovaries. I said she is not taking my womb out unless i have cancer. I am being scheduled for a D&C, polypectomy and a endo biopsy.
They also did the C-125 ovarian cancer tumour marker blood test which came back raised at 60 and is now 90, but I understand this is not accurate and can be high with adenomyosis.
A week ago I started on progesterone cream at 400mg/day. I use some vaginally, the rest I mix with coconut oil (I use Onas cream as its high strength but find it too thick) and put it all over. Im hoping it will thin the lining before the D&C and hopefully shrink the polyp and the ovarian growth. Its been sooo hard emotionally I would appreciate any advice with this new developemtn, ie thick lining and polyp and ovarian growth.
Question (1) is what do I do about my ovary? Ive read that ovarian fibroids whilst rare can and do disappear on their own.
Also, (2) is it ok for me to be on the pro cream with high cortisol and i suspect adrenal fatigue? Can I take an adrenal support at the same time or would this not be a good idea? I was looking at the Nutri Adrenal Support supplement.
Thanks Karen