by Becki DiRubio
(Morgan Hill, CA U.S.A.)
Thank you again for your advice and concern. I wrote twice under the title of "Confused". Things are better! Last cycle my period was so much easier, not as much cramping, less emotional and didn't completely stay awake around that time. One thing that hasn't gotten better is my insomnia. Can't figure it out. Usually fall asleep for 2 hours then wake up 4-8 times the rest of the night. Sometimes can't get back to sleep at all. It's a very restless sleep if I do. Would give anything to sleep through the night. But I have had problems with insomnia since I can remember, so don't know if it's hormonal or not. I'm taking the micronized capsules of 200 mg of SR progesterone dissolved in cream like you suggested. When I can I will purchase Nat-pro, but my husband is still on Workman's comp disability and I have had these pills for awhile. I use 20-30 mg of Pro-gest cream during the day
just to boost it up a little bit. Everything is better but the sleep. Can you suggest anything? In Pro-gest there is 20 mg per 1/4 tsp. How many mg are there in 1/4 of Nat-pro. I worry about being able to afford it. Thank you again for all your help, you are truly a wonderful lady!
Comments for Progesterone is helping! But still have insomnia.....