Have You Ever Advised Anyone to Reduce their Progesterone Dosage?
by Anonymous
I have spent time reading alot of the posts on here and I notice that you say in the majority of cases that the amount of progesterone being used is too low and that it needs to be increased.
Just curious....Is there ever a case you have come across where someone has been using too much progesterone and you actually recommended them reducing their dosage?
My compounded cream insert lists the following possible side effects of progesterone:
sleepiness, dizziness, drowsiness, cough, nausea, vomiting, cramps, bloating, irritability, diarrhea, constipation, headache, breast tenderness, stomach upset, acne and dry mouth.
If a woman experiences any of the above side effects, are you suggesting the reason is because the amount they are using is too low??? Or is it possible too much progesterone is causing these side effects???