
Wray, I just smiled when I heard this.

by RJ

Hello Wray!
I have been listening to the Gut Summit for the last week and was listening to J.J. Virgin and her interview starts out with telling the story of her eldest son being hit by a car while walking down the street. Her recommendation was progesterone as he had severe trauma to the point that doctors gave up all hope. I am copying and pasting it to you and I hope you are able to listen to it. I'm not sure if it is still free to listen to the summit, but I think if you sign up it will allow you to listen to this one without charge. Take care of yourself! God Bless! RJ

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Feb 21, 2015
Wray, I just smiled when I heard this.
by: Wray

Hi RJ I have downloaded it, but still haven't listened except for a few minutes! It's been difficult staying with friends and trying to work online too! But I'm sure a time will come when I can, do hope it hasn't expired by then. Such good news she used progesterone for her son's Traumatic Brain Injury. Take care and blessings to you too! Wray

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