by Markus
Hi, I`m sucking all that information on this page in and it fascinates me a lot, how the interaction between progesterone and the other hormones in males seems to function. But as i read all articles, i can`t find a proper solution to my own problem..
My endocrinologist put me on TRT (twice) to solve some major problems, but it was a big miss. First cycle (about 4 weeks) my estrogen was kicked through the roof (start value 15 raised to 35!) and, believe it or not, my testosterone was fallen from 84 to 80!
It seems my aromatase activity is much too strong. So after 2 weeks "regeneration" my doc started a second try with TRT and now just right after 3 days my symptoms got worse than ever, from high blood pressure, sweating, temperature risen to headaches and depressive feelings.
So my questions is, is it possible to definitely lower the aromatase activity with supplementing progesterone? Because every approach to rise my testosterone will fail with aromatase.
Thanks for your support!
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