by Heather
I am scheduled for bio identical hormone pellet therapy injection on Monday. I am reading horror stories of people who have had this done. I have also read stories of how this has changed lives for the better. The problem is that once the pellets are in they cannot be removed. That scares me! Here is my situation....
Five years ago I started feeling very fatigued during the week of my period and would have 3-4 days of a menstrual migraine. Not severe but not pleasant. Two years ago I started to feel fatigued. I was progressively getting more and more tired. January of 2013 I had a horrible menstural cycle with a lot of pain and large blood clots. My period started while I was still taking the active b/c pills. I then started feeling extreme fatigue, nausea, weakness, face flushing, hot flashes and dizziness every day. Went to my GP who ran a few test, found nothing wrong with me and sent me on my way. My next period was normal but lasted 14 days. Went to my obgyn and she ran a few tests. Found nothing, told me the ft3 and ft4 test is "all the hype you read in the magazines and the TSH is the gold standard for measuring thyroid function". I knew better. At this time it felt like there was something in my throat all of the time. I also have constant post nasasl drip and swollen glands in my neck. This went on for 6 months. Then things seemed a little better but I was still fatigued. I also started to feel like my legs and hands were about to fall asleep. They were never numb but I was always shifting positions to see if sitting the worng way was the problem. It wasn't. Around Thanksgiving I started to feel pins and needles in my hands, arms, legs and feet. I felt an all over body tingling/itching. In January 2014 I went to a Naturopath who is a physician's assistant. The practice also has a Nurse Practitioner and Doctor. They tested my thyroid-normal. An ultrasound of my thyroid show it was enlarged. They did all sorts of blood tests, food allergy tests, vitamin IV treatments. Nothing helped. They thought I had leaky gut. I did all sorts of diets. Nothing helped. At All! Finally they did a saliva hormone test. Here are the results:
Estrone(E1): 0.6 Range: <16
Estradiol(E2): 1.1 Range: 0.2-5.2
Estriol(E3): <0.1 Range: 0.1-12
Progesterone: 1 Range: 80-270
E2/Progesterone ratio: 1
Testosterone: 5 Range:4-33
Melatonin AM: 31.7 Range:0.1-25
Cortisol AM: 4.12 Range-1.8-3.8
DHEA: 0.06 Range: 0.10-1.30
AM: 4.12 Range: 1.8-3.8
Noon: 0.44 Range: 0.3-1.4
Evening: 0.29 Range: 0.1-1.1
Night: 0.17 Range0.1-0.8
Vitamin D is 67. I have been deficient and not fatigued. In the past year and a half I have gone from 32-67 and feel no better.
Blood tests were done to get ready for the pellet therapy. They use the blood results to customize the hormones for me. My Testosterone is 27. Normal is 120-140. Estradiol is normal. They want to give me testosterone pellets and have me take a supplement that blocks bad estrogen plus a bio identical progesterone pill which will cost me about $200.00 per month. This doesn't include the pellett cost which is very expensive. After reading this site I am prepared to argue using the cream vs the pill. I think it is better and cheaper.
My question is....What do I do?!!!! I am so sick of being tired. I feel drugged every day. It is like I have taken a night time cold medicine every morning and it lasts all day. I sleep great as far as I know. I fall asleep easily and stay asleep. They did offer me the option of a cream/creams from a compounding pharmacy if I don't want to do the pelletts. Help!
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