
Upped to 40 mg of Progesterone, still symptoms. What to do about increasing?

by Shelli

I've written before. I was on 20 mg of progesterone, prescribed by a compounding pharmacist. I told him I was still having symptoms (spotting, shortened time between periods, bloating, water retention, depression, fatigue). After some deliberation he decided to double the dose, which is 40 mg. He had me start on day 17 due to it not lengthening the time between periods while starting on day 14. Ok, so now, I'm still having bloating and water retention, and in fact, I believe it's worse. Also having either spotting or a very light period this month. I'm not sure what to do next. I understand I should use more. I am in the middle of my period right now. Should I wait until my next one to start using an increased dose? I am 46 and perimenopausal. I usually have a pretty good idea when I will start my period (Usually comes about every 25 days but no always).
Saliva results show estrogen dominance but it looks like my estrogen is on the low side.
Estradiol 1.3 (1.3-3.3 range)
Progesterone 21 (75-270 range)
Ratio: Pg/E2 16 (optimal: 100-500 when E2 1.3-3.3 pg/mL)

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Sep 04, 2014
by: Anonymous

Hi there~
Please read How to use Progesterone Cream. You are using far too low a dose. You need to start at minimum 100 to 200mg daily and maybe even well over that initially for a few months. I had use to 300mg to overcome estrogen dominance and now I'm down to 200mg daily. 40mg is only creatting a more severe estrogen dominant response.
Please read the recommended page.
Wish you luck,

Sep 05, 2014
Thank you
by: Anonymous

Thank you for the response. I was wondering about using it daily for awhile. I didn't know if it mattered when I started doing that. Just start whenever I get the cream? I guess I am just worried about making things worse even though I've read just about everything here saying it makes things better. lol

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