Troche versus cream
by Anna
Hi Wray,
Thank you for your great site! Very helpful!
I have been struggling with my health since I was 29 and I'm now 43. At 29 I ended up with a depression that was caused by candida and a huge amount of mercury in my mouth. I got it all sorted with diets, supplements and dentists and felt good again. At 34 I had my first child, I had 2 miscarriages in between and had my second child when I was 37. After about 3 months I felt this huge depression coming back. It felt even worse than my first one. All the doctors want to give me was anti depressants, I tried for a week but they made me throw up really badly so I refused to take them. I went to an integrated doctor who told me I was extremely low on B6. Again I got better after a few months and I was fine until 3 years ago when I hit 40. We live in Australia now and I went to another integrated doctor here. She did all these tests and I was lacking B12,Zinc, B6, my thyroid was low and my progesterone/estrogen levels were extremely out of balance. So for that she prescribed me progesterone cream and it helped a lot. I have noticed the last 3 years that I start feeling worse when winter hits. So she suggested me to take a troche at night instead of cream because that would be better. I've been taking it now for 3 months and I feel very anxious, have a lot of pain in one of my breasts and just don't feel good. So I asked the compounding pharmacy if it was natural what I was taking and they told me it's not. I'm so confused. Because all I've been through I'm so aware of what I eat, drink, sugar, gluten, vaccinations, antibiotics etc. and now I've been taking something that is probably not good for me at all while I thought they had prescribed me something natural. I come to realise now that these troches are not good at all. Should I gradually stop taking them or can I stop all at once and continue with your cream? I would love to try it. Thanks Anna.