by Jim
I'm 54 yrs old. FP mainstream Dr put me on test for low t 6 mos ago. Ended up on injections because she said androgel not absorbing. Then going to 2 shots a week because of half life of shots...wel I stupidly quit cold turkey. After about a month I started getting tinnitus in my ear then got a very anxious reaction after running in heat and not much on my stomach. It was nightmarish.
It was in the eve, I freaked out and called my old dear friend/FP Dr out of state. He told me to immediately get back on T. He also wanted me to take 100mg of progesterone. He thinks I have double homo cistine gene mutation. I took the progesterone through the weekend, about 4 days. When I saw my regular mainstream Dr. She said taking the progesterone was risky, so I stopped. That has been 2 weeks ago. I now have elevated BP. Very anxious. Sensitive to sunshine. T still low. My dilemma is my old Dr is out of country for week, and regular dr on vacation this week. Having a tough time sleeping and looking favor help!
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