Strange rash
by Brittany
Hi Wray,
I've been using Natpro since around Feb, so almost one year. Started out using too little (and got estrogen dominant symptoms). Then, per your advice, I upped the dose to about 400mg for a few months without breaks (I'm 31 yr old, so still menstruating). I gradually lowered the dosage to 1 tsp per day (split into 1/2 t in morning and 1/2 at night). I've used this dosage continously (not stopping for breaks in my cycle) since around April or May. I've really loved the stuff - it's helped me keep weight off, helped my mood, and I believe it's actually helping my hair grow back (after I lost a lot of it from thyroid disorder). I don't want to stop using it.
My dilemma? I've started to develop bumpy rashes wherever I put it on my skin! I guess my first question would be - have you changed the formula at all in recent months? I can't understand why suddenly, after all this time with no problem, I'm reacting to it like this. I noticed the rash developing on my chest (where I use it continually) after I went away for the week of Thanksgiving - I drank way more alcohol than I normally do, and then I ended up contracting a terrible stomach bug that caused me to vomit and have diarrhea for a few days. After that, the rash started. To test it out and make absolutely sure it's the progesterone, I've rubbed it on several different areas of my body (like legs, back, shoulders) that I normally don't use it on. Rashes developed in each of these places within a day or two.
Oh the humanity!! I want to keep using it! What's more, I'm afraid to just suddenly stop using it (since I've read about the consequences of that from your site)...however, I don't know what to do about this rash! Do you have any insight into what might be causing this and how I should proceed from here?
Thank you!