Secondary Infertility
by Hope
(Brisbane, Australia)
Hi, we have had a lot of problems both getting pregnant and then staying pregnant. We are very lucky to have one beautiful six yearold boy, who was conceived naturally a couple of months after a natural miscarriage. Our little boy was a twin pregnancy, however the other baby was lost very early on. Our surviving child was diognosed with single umbilical artery at 18 weeks gestation, however fortunately he has suffered no ill effevts as a result of this. I have suspected for a long while that I suffer from a hormonal inbalance and am hoping you can point me in the right direction regarding what tests to get done etc. My son was born via emergency c section as I didnt go in to natural labour and then failed to dilate despite having maximun dose of syntocin and my waters broken 14 hours prior. I also got my period back immediately following birth and fell into an immediate 28 day cycle, despite exclusively breadtfeeding. 18 months following the birth of our son we saw a fertility specialist as we were unable to fall pregnant. He diagnosed stage 4 endometriosis and surgically removed it. We have now done 17 cycles of IVF and only have had 2 additional pregnancies, 1 ectopic and 1 miscarriage at 8 weeks. The miscarriage showed my progesterone dropping every couple of days. I have just had some additional tests done and my estrogen appears to be really high. What do you think these tests mean? Could it be sugestive of a hormonal imbalance, early menopause or something more sinister? Thanks so much for taking the time to read my incredibly long story. I forgot to mention that I suffer from extreme insomnia and my mind doesnt switch off, possibly suffer anxiety as well. Results as follows, taken on day 4 of a 25 day cycle.
Testosterone 1.4 nmol/L
FT4 15.8 pmol/L
FT3 4.7 pmol/L
TSH 3.4 mIU/L
LH-10 IU/L, Progesterone - 4.8 nmol/L, Oestradiol - 998 pmol/L, FSH - 6.5.
AMH test done two years ago was 16.3
I also tested positive for staphyloccus aureus and streptococcus agalactiae b group. My intauterine biopsy and blood tests showed very high levels of natural killer cells cd56 - 43.1% {75th centile 9.5%} and cd57 - 20mm2 {10mm2 is suggested by research as being abnormal}.