
Random bleeding

by Paige

I've recently increased my prog cream to 150mg. On a lower dose my periods still came regularly. But I was still suffering from ED symptoms, so I increased.

Since increasing, I've had 2 periods in 4 weeks. Why??? I never have irregular bleeds. Why would progesterone cause more bleeding - I thought you normally bled as progesterone drops.

Why would higher progesterone cause more frequent bleeding?

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Jul 09, 2022
Random Bleeding
by: Joy

Hi Paige

Your name is familiar, I am sure that we have spoken before. I could be wrong though.

As mentioned many times on this website, one must expect the monthly cycle to become erratic as progesterone starts to become dominant, it should soon settle down. Also a reminder that it can take 2 - 6 months for the body to adjust to progesterone therapy, longer if symptoms are severe and of course if you are deficient in vitamin D3.

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