Questions on progesterone as birth control
by Allison
(Ca USA )
Hi Wray, not my first time here, I've been using progesterone cream now for about one year I think, but unfortunately I've made some mistakes in its usage. At first I was only using 36mg, then I thought I was using 150mg with another cream, then I switched to natpro and started using 290 mg a day. Now I'm using 1 tsp in the am and 1 tsp in the pm, which totals to about 332mg a day. However I've only been using 332mg for about a month or two now, I've lost track and my symptoms have not cleared up. I'm still overweight, scalp hair has not grown back, eyebrow hair hasn't filled in all the way yet, the hirsutism has not gone away, the hair that grows where none should grow is a slightly bit thinner, but then it grows thick then thin again, and I still get acne and pms symptoms. I've also started on 10,000 ui's of vitamin d to help the progesterone work better. Not all is bad, my depression has gotten better, my fatigue has gone away, although from time to time it does come back slightly and my overall mood has improved. My questions are many: if I'm on 332mgs now, why haven't I seen more improvement? Before when I was on 290mgs, why wasn't that enough? I should also note that I've cut about 90% of xenoestrogens such as my shampoo, soap, body lotions, and only eat organic grass fed beef and chicken. The other 10% is my makeup and hairspray and just regular daily stuff tha one can't always avoid. I've also been using the cream continuously for the last three months without a break and my cycle has gone from 23-25 to 32-35 days which is weird but I'm not complaining! Also I want to use the cream as birth control and I know you recommend over 200mg to prevent ovulation, but since I've been using over 200mg since the beginning of this year, why have I still bled? Should I still have a period even if I'm taking over 200mg of progesterone a day? I'm very confused about it. Now that I'm using 332mgs, should I expect a period this month? If I still bleed, does that mean that I didn't use enough progesterone and need to increase the mgs even more? If i were to prevent ovulation correctly should i still expect a period? I'm sorry for all the questions, I just feel recently like I've been using the cream incorrectly again and it's just been like throwing money in the trash. Hope to hear back from you soon, thanks!