by Destiny
(Indiana )
I am 34 years old, last year i was struggling with hormonal acne, sleep issues, not able to lose weight, some anxiety. So in August 2021 I had my hormone levels checked by saliva and was told my progesterone was low. I started taking bioidentical progesterone in October 2021. 75mg days 1-15 and 150mg days 16-30. My sleep seemed to get better the first few months. Then in February I had a very emotionally difficult time hit and since then my anxiety has been through the roof. So in April i started taking Zoloft and buspirone for the anxiety. Looking back at the calendar now it seems times when it’s really bad starts a week before my period and continues through several days of my period. My anxiety is so bad I can barely eat, feel so unlike myself, very emotional , crying constantly, and sleep has been horrible again too. I am now dealing with loose bowel movements as well first thing when I wake up. I take my progesterone at night. I can’t figure out what is going on and it seems to me it could be hormone related. I would like to stop taking the progesterone but my doctor doesn’t seem to think I should.
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