
Progesterone capsules with powder

I've spent days reading on this site and can't find an answer to my question. I know I am estrogen dominant and I know I have to take at least 400mg progesterone daily to get rid of the hot flushes, night sweats etc. I also get that applying to the skin is the best delivery, my question is this, I have a lot of 100mg progesterone capsules that are filled with powder, can I take these apart, mix with my organic face cream and rub into my skin? Or does this only work with an oil filled capsule?

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Nov 25, 2014
Progesterone capsules with powder
by: Wray

Hi there Unfortunately you'll end up with an exfoliating cream! The progesterone has to be dissolved first. It was a good idea though. You could try an experiment, but you'd need a tiny saucepan the size of an egg cup, or metal pot of some sort. Empty 1 or 2 caps into the pot, add about 3-4 tsp oil, heat it gently, stirring until the progesterone dissolves. This does take time. Then cool it and add it to some cream, stirring it in gently. If you can get away with less oil that would be good, as you might find the end result too oily. We make it in large amounts and have a formula we go by, so it's easy to work out the ratios. Don't forget to remember how much progesterone you've used in how much of the end result. So if you use 2 caps which would be 200mg, but have 4-5 tsp cream, you would need to use up 2 to 2.5tsp of cream to get 100mg. Let me know if this works, I can't guarantee it! Take care Wray

Nov 25, 2014
Progesterone capsules with powder
by: Anonymous

Hi Wray
Thanks for getting back so fast, I love this website, it's so informative! My other option is getting it compounded but as I want to use such a high dose I'm wondering if I can get a higher dose of progesterone per mg like maybe 60mg/g?? So use less and make it last longer... I'm wondering how high they go as it will make it much more affordable! I will of course have to convince my doctor too...

Nov 29, 2014
Progesterone capsules with powder
by: Wray

Hi there You can get higher concentrations, some pharmacists make a 10% cream or 100mg/g. But you won't use 'less', as it's not dependant on the amount of cream you use but the amount of progesterone. The costly part of any progesterone cream is the progesterone, not the carrier. And the type of carrier is important too, if too thick the progesterone is not absorbed well. We know the progesterone in our cream is due to the Saliva Tests we run. Thanks for the kind words! Take care Wray

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