
Overcoming BPH (prostate swelling/urination problems

by Lee
(Eugen, Oregon, USA)

Current age: 80. Began having problems urinating at about age 60. Took cardura and similar for several years; helped a little. Got progressively worse. Tried Avodart. It worked but i grew breasts. Finally had transurethral resection. It helped a lot. Did not understand role of hormones and made mistake of taking testosterone and pretty quickly had BPH symptoms re-emerge with vengence. Stumbled across John Lee MD's book on hormone balance for men and started following his advice of 10-12mg transdermal progesterone cream applied directly to testicle sack daily with accompanying 2mg of transdermal testoserone cream daily. Within just weeks condition improved and today, less than 3 months later, my symptoms are 80% improved. His recommendations are based on research into estrogen dominance, a term he coined and establishing a youthful ratio of progesterone to estrogen to testosterone. By the way, i feel better too and am well on the way to solving a decade's-long battle to control cortisol deficiency and an accompanying hypothyroid condition. See Stop The Thyroid Madness if that is also your issue.

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