
Out of stock.

by Marie

When was the last time any one was able to order Natpro? Do they even still produce this? I need to place an order now. I would like to order natpro, as it seems to be the best. Can anyone suggest an alternative? I'm currently using Progest, but I have concerns about the ingredient Phenoxyethanol. Thanks.

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Oct 24, 2014
Out of stock.
by: Wray

Hi Marie Stock has been going in, but unfortunately it's been going out as quickly. We have been making double batches of cream the past few months, i.e. 5000 tubes each time, but it never seems to catch up. We have another 2 batches being made before Christmas, both 5000 tubes, so hopefully this will increase stock holdings. Progestelle is an option as it's only coconut oil and progesterone, it costs $24 for 800mg progesterone. This works out to be $60 for 2000mg of progesterone. Take care Wray

Oct 26, 2014
Thank you
by: Marie

Thank you for your response. I came across this website while researching your suggestion, and am now a little leery of using progestelle:

I need to place an order by tomorrow, so I guess I will stick with progest, unless anyone else can make another suggestion.

I wonder why no one sells this stuff in larger amounts, considering the recommendation of 100-200 mg. per day?

Oct 27, 2014
To clarify
by: Anonymous

It says one dropper delivers 20mg of progesterone so if I'm doing 200 mgs then I need 10 droppers a day?

Oct 28, 2014
To clarify
by: Wray

Hi Marie You are correct. Take care Wray

Oct 28, 2014
Thank you
by: Wray

Hi Marie Interesting sleuthing! Progestelle has been used in a study before, see here and here. Two of the authors, Carey and Studd, are from Chelsea and Westminster Hospital in London. They have also collaborated in a study using Progest. In both studies the highest amount used was 64mg, laughable if severe symptoms are being experienced. Evidently the women they tested it on were not suffering greatly. But they found "the doses used in our study produced sub-luteal levels of progesterone." It doesn't surprise me. One good thing they found "no evidence of accumulation of progesterone with time". As far as I'm aware we are the only site recommending 100-200mg/day, I often suggest much higher if symptoms are severe. Packaging it in large containers can be done, but we have many men using it too. They use much less than women, so a large container would not benefit them, and would probably annoy them. We do have women who use 1000mg/day or half a tube, but not enough to warrant a larger tube. Take care Wray

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