by Jo C
(Florida )
It's Jo C again. i kept trying to respond but it kept giving me an error all day. Thank you for your quick response and your wealth of supporting data. I suspected testosterone was not helping my situation. It does add to my libido issues all while adding to my midsection. I had started the new 20mg last week and Im already up 5+ pounds. Very frustrating.
I still have periods but they are very sporadic. I had one 3 months ago and then 8 months prior. Looking at my lower stomach and hips it should be 9 months prior.
My vitamin D level was 70 ng/mL. It tends to fluctuate. At best it was 85 and this too was when the weight was falling off.
I did forget to mention as you pointed out I'm definitely insulin resistant. In addition, I have leaky gut. My doctor had initially prescribed byetta to help my insulin but I found my migraines were worse.
I am going to request saliva testing again so I can see what my levels are through that comparison.
My doctor is good about hearing me but It confuses me too why I go one direction only then to revers the recommendation.
I will definitely head to my health food store. DIM may have been what they suggested at one time and I will also check the calcium D-glucarate.
My sublingual progesterone is in pill form. Should I ask about using the drops instead? Of course, my doctor may disagree but in my opninion I think the Natpro is what brought my levels up. In looking back at my original post I put 200 - 400 of Natpro. I'm using 200 twice a day (morning and night).
Thank you again for your wealth of information and your dedication to providing for us this valuable resource.
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