by Kristen
(Austin, Texas )
Hello! I am in need of advice! I am 24 and my husband and I have had one miscarriage just over a year ago. For a long time I've had low progesterone symptoms (spotting before periods, heavy crampy periods, low sex drive, etc. ) 13 days ago I started taking Emerita Progest twice daily (1/4 teaspoon morning & night) and that was right after ovulation. I normally start my period of cd 32, but begin spotting by day 29. I am now on day 31 (day before period normally comes) and I've had no spotting. I have felt like I could be pregnant, my nipples have been incredible sore like the last time I got pregnant. The thing Is I know if I am pregnant and I stop the cream than that can result in a miscarriage from the drop in Progest. If I keep using the cream though (and not preg) will my period start on its own? I don't feel as though it's going to start tomorrow. I will take a pregnancy test tomorrow, but what I'm wondering if when should I stop using the cream.
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