by Pam
(Oak Harbor, OH, USA)
Hi...this is "moody mama"...I am 55 and post menopausal. Have been for about 11yrs now!! I have suffered more than i can put into words!! My moods are up and down and all around in and day out!! Right now I have been using a natural progesterone cream for about 7-10 days. At times it seems to be helping and other times not...such as right now!! I feel like i am in a severe state of "PMS"...which of course I haven't experienced for over 11 I know that the PROG is bringing it out and I am pretty sure that it's just part of the way it works. I am using about 1/2 teaspoon (40mgs) of "Emerita" Pro-gest cream twice a day. Perhaps I need to use more... don't know!! The fear is that if I use more that i will get even worse!!
I have been on and off anti-depressants for many years...but have decided to use progesterone instead! I get a lot of the same "good & bad" effects that i did when on Prozac...including "Irritability"!! I have noticed that i am having short periods of "good" moods and lighter depression, clearer thinking, a little less low-self esteem, less irritability etc...but then the next thing I know I'm back in the "deep dark pit" again!! I am trying to hang in there and hope for a better tommorrow and that it will all balance itself out...but the "waiting it out" is extremely difficult for me!! My best guess is that right now the "P" cream is throwing me into "estrogen dominance"!
I am curious if others have had a similiar experience and any/all advice would be much appreciated!!
When I go into the states of "PMS" it is NOT GOOD at all!! It's the "psychotic" type of pms...which i dealt with for way to many years when i was still mensing! IT IS NOT FUN...for me or my family!! Okay...I could go on ...but think that's enough for now!
Just one more thing...this is my 3rd or 4th attempt trying the pro cream...and so this time I feel I must stick with it and not give up!! I am hoping and praying for the courage to stay with it and to ride it out till the storm passes by and that perhaps by some miracle that I will have "peace" of mind, body and soul...again!!
Thanks for listening!!...."moody mama" :)
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