by Mari
(Fort Lauderdale)
I tried compounded therapy last year after feeling like just not myself and finally realizing I was probably menopausal. The doctor did not seem to listen when I told him how sensitive I am to anything and I think the dosages were way too high (estradiol/testosterone cream and progesterone capsules). I only lasted a couple months and then stopped everything because I was feeling so terrible. I realized I was probably just progesterone deficient after doing some reading, and I decided to just try the OTC cream from the health food store and it was good for several months, a very small amount at night only. I realize I have probably needed it for decades...I felt I had better take a break from it even though I no longer get my cycle so took a week off. After restarting I started experiencing symptoms of what I thought was a bladder infection (pressure and having to go very frequently). Thinking maybe the cream was to blame I stopped using it, but now after finding your site realized perhaps it was not enough so have been using some compounded cream from a friend at 100 every evening, with improvement of bladder symptoms, so it was probably fibroids acting up. My concern is the third night I put it on, almost immediately I developed a right sided headache that was very scary. It lasted through the next day and is still somewhat present though dull now. I normally do not get headaches, especially in this area. I once knew someone who stroked out after going on HRT and after looking up stroke and progesterone I see there is a link. Having lost my father to a massive stroke I am distraught at this turn of events. I don't think I can function very well without the progesterone, mood-wise and now bladder-wise, but do not want to risk brain injury in any way! Thank you for your time!
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