
looking for a little reassurance

by janet

Hi Wray,

I have searched your website almost non-stop looking for the answers to my various questions, most of which I found. Thank you for all your efforts. Unfortunately now I find myself at a point where I need some reassurance, of my own.

I am 49 years old and perimenopausal, still having regular cycles. I have 6 children, the youngest is 14. At the time I began to notice changes in my body, I also had an increase in migraine symptoms, which about 3 years ago began to include vertigo (vestibular migraine). The vertigo is very distressing, making me unable to work or make plans. I thought I was doing everything I could by my 'migraine' diet and lifestyle changes, until in the last few months, during (and following) my first anovulatory cycle (I record my temp every morning), things became much worse. During one week I had severe room-spinning vertigo every day, lasting hours and accompanied by nausea and vomiting. The rest of the time, I had vertigo every few days.

I have always felt there was a hormonal link to my migraine headaches, and the vertigo is the same, so after lots of research, and having my levels checked (P:E 50:1) I have started using Natpro. I use 416mg progesterone per day, in 3 divided doses, and have used it for 5 weeks. I know it is working in my body because my sore breasts (which I have had for about 6 years) have stopped hurting these last few days, and my periods have been affected. This cycle was also anovulatory, but I haven't had any full-on vertigo this time (thank goodness!), although the headaches and wooziness and general hangover feeling are still with me constantly.

I would like to know that I'm on the right track. That there is and end to this. I feel like I'm morning sick, and I know that feeling well! Even the smell of my husband's deodorant this morning almost made me throw up. I haven't felt this 'sick' for over 14 years! (No, I'm not pregnant).

I take 10000iu's Vit D, 3000mg fish oil, and 400mg B2 each day and use magnesium oil. I eat healthily, no fast food, no alcohol, no caffeine etc, and am a healthy weight. I also spend some time in the sun each day, without burning of course.

Everyone is different I know, so I'm not looking for a timeline (though it sure would be nice!) but just some encouragement. I'm going to keep going because it makes so much sense to me, but I would like to be told that I will feel better, and that the rest of my life is not going to be like this.

Thanks for everything you do to help others,

Comments for looking for a little reassurance

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Feb 10, 2015
looking for a little reassurance
by: Wray

Hi Janet Don't I know the feeling! Not the Migraines thank heavens, but was I going to crawl out of the hole! I did, and you will too. But how long? It took 6 months for all my symptoms to go, but some went very early on, as yours are, so this encouraged me to continue. I'm pleased you're taking so much Vitamin D, don't forget to have a test done to check your level. If it's still low it could be a reason for your symptoms. You'll see on the migraine page how important it is, magnesium too. Rather than buy that 'oil' which isn't by the way, make your own. Magnesium or any mineral for that matter cannot dissolve in oil, water yes. So the so called 'oils' are only water. Get some Epson Salts (magnesium sulphate) and make up a 10% solution in water, use this as your oil instead. Also throw a cup or 2 into your bath water, it's absorbed well, see here. I buy in bulk from a farmer's co-op! I feel the magnesium sulphate is the best, not only is the magnesium absorbed well, but so is the sulphur. Sulphur is the one mineral you cannot buy as a supplement. It's a potent antioxidant and one of the most healing of all minerals. Ironically man made sulphur chemicals are one of the worst! I'm very allergic to sulphur dioxide. As for that heightened smell sensitivity, please see this very long page here. It is long so I suggest you speed read or skip passages. I do suggest to people with headaches to rub the cream all over the neck, under the ears, face if possible. It does help, but I'm not sure if it would help a migraine. Please let me know if it does. Thanks for your support and the kind words. Take care Wray

Feb 10, 2015
by: Chloe

I haven't posted in a while, then I saw this and remembered how quick I was to post when it was a complaint or needed advice. So I thought give back and post the good too.

I started my progesterone journey in August of 2014. So this month is six months. That is precisely how long it has taken, with mild improvements on the way.

I am in peri-m as well, and had a really tough case of polycystic ovaries. Every symptom, down to the lab work. I was also extremely depressed.
I back everything Wray has said, and the magnesium is so important. My mag. Levels were low, so I went and purchased magnesium at CVS. The doctor never mentioned bioavailable forms VS non. As with any mineral or vitamin, please read on the bioavailability and cofactors. I took mag oxide without improvement for a while. Then switched to salts, worked great, then to Natural Calm. We can easily spend a lot of money on fillers. So don't give up until the 6 mos at least. I'm free if painful cystic acne, no monthly ovarian cysts that were dreadful. Depression eased up a bit, dropped a few without much effort, and I have somewhat of a cycle, that is unheard of for me. Oh yeah, no longer losing my hair, and tiny bald spots are looking better. Don't forget diet, it's vital for your recovery and works beautifully with progesterone. I'm now down to 60 mg daily from, hmmmm, I think at one point I as between 4-600 mg. Don't give up.

Feb 13, 2015
re Reassurance
by: janet

Hi Wray and Chloe,

Thank you so much for your quick replies. You have made me feel less alone in this situation. And thanks Wray for the info about buying bulk Epsom salts. I found lots on the internet.

You both say that it took 6 months or so to feel better, with little improvements on the way. Is this how it seems to happen for most women? Was it a slow and steady improvement over that time, or was it more like 2 steps forward, one step back?

I value your input as I'm doing this on my own. Any advice you have is appreciated. I am determined to get well, and I so look forward to the day that I can reassure someone myself!

Best wishes, Janet

Feb 15, 2015
re Reassurance
by: Wray

Hi Janet It was neither slow and steady, or 2 steps forward, one step back for me. We are all so different too, don't forget that. Take care Wray

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