by Liz
I am currently using Wellsprings Serenity progesterone cream and would like to switch to yours, mainly due to the fact that I have found so much helpful information on your site. I can't find the percentage of active ingredient anywhere for Wellsprings' cream and would like to know what will happen if I switch. Is yours stronger or weaker? Do I use more or less? Will my endometriotis react to the change?
I'm currently using about twice recommended (I'm using a little finger tip three times a day), in an effort to stop what I think is chronic endometriotis pain.
I can get no answers from the medical profession and just want the pain to stop so am trying everything. Although I am 53 and have gone / going through menopause for the last ten years, I can guess at nothing else. I've been treated for several other things and none of those treatments have worked..
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