by Joanne
Recently I was diagnosed with a genetic condition called Hemochromatosis. This genetic condition allows the body to absorb too much iron. It affects every organ system in the body including the endocrine system. The endocrine system suffers metabolic syndrome from too much iron. Metabolic syndrome is caused with an issue of insulin in this case when too much iron is deposited in the body. Nothing has ever been mentioned about estrogen and progesterone although they are part of the endocrine system also they as well as insulin are all hormones.
Is there anyone on this forum or in the know about hemochromatosis and can advise me about using progesterone? I have in the past used progesterone faithfully as advised from this site but never saw the results described by Wray. Could that have been because of the unknown genetic condition, hemochromatosis? In fact, my symptoms never abated or changed at all. When I found out I have the genetic condition hemochromatosis I was told at that time that it could affect the whole endocrine system as well as every other system in the body to one degree or another, but no one ever told me how to navigate these issues and find help.
Please, if you know about this condition, please advise me. Thanks!!