Is it too late?
by Eugena O'Cull
(Vanceburg,KY )
My stepson was involved in a car wreck November 28,2010 he sustained multiple fractures and a TBI. He had spent the Thanksgiving Holiday with us, as he left our house to return to his home he was hit by another driver, who lost control of his vehicle.There is a contempory Christine song that says" We are all one phone call from our knees," that certainly proved true that evening.
I had not heard of the progesterone treatment until today, it was on the national news cast. From what I have read this evening, it is effective when given close to the time of injury. I am wondering if there is any promise for help in recovery several years post trauma.
My stepson, Lance, is 27 years old and had just finished his masters in international diplomancy. He is very motived to get better and has worked hard physically to recover. He is still making impovements but the process has been so very slow. Lance have been involved in therapy 3-4 times a week since the accident, except when he has been hospitalized and them it was daily. We have had two stays at the Shephard Center in Atlanta, and one at Cardinal Hill in Lexington,KY. We live in north east Kentucky.
Lance has come a long way but still is unable to communicate verbally effectively, walk any more than a few steps, or perform much of his ADLs. His short and longterm memory are effected, although it seems to be the short term more so. Would be interested in any input you would have.
Thank you for your research in this field, it has been devasting for our entire family.