
I attended lectures by John Lee

by Anne Glover
(York, England)

Wray, thank you so much for your response and helpful information. I'm a bit like you. I discovered natural progesterone around 15 years ago and was absorbed by it.

I attended lectures by John Lee when he was in England and thought he explained it wonderfully. It's really good to speak to a like minded person. The information you gave me about my partner was interesting. I have bought John Lee's book on balancing male hormones and he says to take 5 - 8mg of progesterone and 2 of testosterone. I started my partner on around 10mg of progesterone because of his condition. I thougt 100 was a huge amount but if you could explain why you feel this would be benefical I'd be grateful. Can a man have too much progesterone and if so do you know what the effects would be? Have you any research or do you know where I can find any research of higher doses of progesterone given for prostate cancer?

I'm also curious as to the progesterone therapy site. Did you set that up? I'd be interested in doing something similar in the UK. We have nothing and I have had so many friends who have been helped by natural progesterone and who are always asking me for advise. (Just by the way, when I read about it reducing arthitis I told a young girl who suffers from it to rub it directly on her joints and she was astounded to find that she no longer had the pain in her wrists).

I did wonder whether the high dose would convert into testosterone which he is low on but haven't enough information to make a decision. We had a blood profile by ZRT labs and I have the evaluation here if you'd like to see it. I was told by a compounding pharmacist to give my partner (Andy) 10mg of testosterone. She could not make it up without a prescription and I am dithering a bit as to where best to buy a bio-identical cream. Have you any ideas?

I gave my dog another dose last night and this morning she seems a little quicker although she is still just trickling. She has had two lots of around 20mg which is probably higher than you suggested but I'd already given her that dose and it hasn't seemed to have done her any harm. I so look forward to hearing from you.

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Mar 20, 2010
I attended lectures by John Lee
by: Wray

Hi Anne. Glad it was of help. We must have been at the same lectures, as I too went to three of Dr Lee's lectures in the UK! I suggested 100mg because of the cancer, but I can't remember what else I told you or why as I can't find your original contribution not knowing what title you gave it!

Wonderful news about the young girl, it does help arthritis, and good news about your dog too. As you've asked so many questions it would be better if we continued this via email, please would you send me one using this form. I don't like giving my email on the site due to possible spam messages. Take care, Wray

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