

by Ann

Hi Wray,

I am 32 and was diagnosed with hypothyroidism in February after 2 years of being undiagnosed. I had a blood hormone test done in July and the results were Estradiol 391.4 pg/ml, testosterone, serum 47 ng/dl (8-48 range), FSH 2.3 mIU/dL and progesterone 13.2 ng/mL. After calculating the estradiol/progesterone ratio I noticed I was estrogen dominate with a result of 34:1. The tests were done 5-6 days before menstrual bleeding. Since I am still menstruating would you still recommend 100-200mg of progesterone cream a day? My symptoms are mild. I have 10-15 pounds of stubborn weight that will not budge (I'd been at the same weight for years until the hypothyroidism/estrogen dominance), light headed and foggy thinking, other than that I feel good. My thyroid ranges are where they should be too. I believe being on birth control for 4 years caused my issues, but it's just a guess. Now I am trying to revert all the damage done.
Please advise.
Thanks so much!

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Oct 08, 2013
by: Wray

Hi Ann Your calculations are correct, your ratio is 34:1 and yes I would say that was too low. I don't know if you've seen the Saliva Tests we run where the ratios go to 600:1 and over. I know this ratio works, so suggest women aim for it, although not everyone needs to go that high. Once symptoms resolve that is all that's needed. I've found 100-200mg/day is a good amount to start with, if you are feeling well apart from a few mild symptoms, then try the 100mg/day. But please watch for Oestrogen Dominance. There is more info on our page How to use progesterone cream. If you're looking for a cream to try, please look through our ingredients. We do know the progesterone is well absorbed due to the saliva tests. I'm puzzled you say your thyroid ranges are where they should be, but they have diagnosed you with hypothyroidism? Please have a vitamin D test done, a lack of this does affect the thyroid, plus it reduces the benefits of progesterone, see here, here, here, here, here and here. All drug based Contraceptives have the potential to harm. I'm pleased you've stopped them. Let me know how you get on. Take care Wray

Oct 09, 2013
by: Ann

Thank you for the response! My thyroid is level with medication, but I am hoping once I get rid of the estrogen dominance I might be able to get off of the thyroid medication. This is just a hope though:)I have been using Progest brand cream for 2 months. The last month I only used 40mg so I upped it to 100mg this month. I just sent in a salvia sample so I should get the results back this week or beginning of next week. Will the weight come off easier once my progesterone levels go up?
Thanks again!

Oct 10, 2013
by: Wray

Hi Ann Ok now I now what you mean, I'll be happy too if you can come off the meds. Vitamin D is so important, please have a test done. There's no need to do repeat blood or saliva tests, these only show how much of the hormone is present, they cannot tell how we're feeling. This is the most impotent factor, not blood levels. They rarely check for the ratio either, which is the critical factor, not the amount. Progesterone does speed metabolism slightly, plus opposing oestrogen, but don't rely on it for weight loss. Vitamin D is far more important for this, see here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here and here. You might like to see this comment 'Update on using Progesterone Creme and Weight Loss with Low Carb diet' here. Take care Wray

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