hot flushes stop during a period
by Kim
Hi Wray,
I'm 54 and have been having peri-menopausal symptoms for 5 years now - hot flushes, weight gain, depression, dry skin, no libido, anxiety, lethargy, foggy thinking etc.
I used the birth control pill continuously for 20 years plus, from age 17 to about 38 and have never been pregnant.
About 2 years I had a saliva test that showed Progesterone of 30pg/ml and Estradiol of 0.5 pg/ml giving a ratio of 60:1. I started using the Emerita Progesterone cream but only at a low dose e.g. 30 mg per day so nothing really changed.
About 15 months ago I went to a private doctor in the UK, mainly to find relief from the hot flushes and weight gain. I had a blood test that showed Progesterone of 1.9 nmol/l and Estradiol of 559 pmol/l giving a ratio of 3:1, I think (other results were Testosterone 0.5 nmol/l, free testosterone 0.23 pg/ml, SHBG 121 nmol/l, DHEA sulphate 3 umol/l, thyroid was in ok range).
The doctor put me on Bi-est cream with added progesterone and testosterone plus DHEA tablets.
In the following months I noticed thinning hair on my head, acne and dark facial hairs so I stopped the DHEA and testosterone and these improved.
Despite many changing doses of Bi-est and progesterone the hot flushes have continued day and night, as did the other symptoms (the progesterone dose was never very high, between 25mg and 100mg).
Having read your fantastic site I think I'm most likely very low on progesterone and high on oestrogen and I feel very sad that I've probably totally messed up my hormones by using the BCP for so long.
I have separate tubes of Bi-est and Progesterone so I've stopped using the Bi-est and started trying increasingly large doses of Progesterone, I'm up to 500mg per day and the hot flushes are improved but not gone yet.
At my next Dr's appointment I want to persuade her to prescribe a much higher dose, as I'm sure this will work but I have one problem - since I started having hot flushes 5 years a go the only thing that has stopped them is having a period. Periods have become very infrequent now but I had 3 in a row in March/April this year and still the flushes stopped. Why does this happen? I think my doctor thinks it is the rising oestrogen that makes a period happen and also stops the flushes. I usually feel very hungry during these times and gain weight horribly fast which points to oestrogen dominance.
I would hugely appreciate if you have an explanation for this and apologies if you have covered it elsewhere but my searches didn't find anything. Thanks