
Hormone levels

by Maaike
(The Netherlands)

I have hormone testing done, But I don’t know how to read them. I am concerned about excess estrogen, because I am slow COMT. I have used DIM in the past, but I got hairloss from it.

Anyway; can you help me with these figures?

Estradiol 1,6 pg/ml
Estriol 6,9 pg/ml
Testosteron 21,1 pg/ml
Progesteron 178 pg/ml
Dhea 157 pg/ml
Cortisol 10440 pg/ml

Thank you!

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Nov 21, 2020
Hormone Levels
by: Joy

Hi Maaike

Your progesterone:estrogen ratio is 111:1, it should be around 600:1. You need to use a good progesterone cream such as Natpro to help get your progesterone level up. Progesterone should be the dominant hormone at all times. Please read the Hormone Testing page to compare your other test results.

Between 100-200mg progesterone cream is needed per day. Please read the How to use Progesterone Cream and Estrogen Dominance pages for more information.

If DIM is not working for you then consider trying calcium d-glucarate. Many women achieve better results from it.

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