by alison
Sorry Wray,
I was afraid I'd run out of room in previous post-
DAY 6 of Cycle serum test results-
LH 15.9 miU/ml
FSH 7.1 miU/ml
estradiol 323 pg/ml
progesterone .7 ng/ml
Vitamin D was 74 and all else looked good.
I had a simple cyst on each ovary about 4 months ago. Too small for worry I was told...hmmm and I don' know about pcos.
The last cycle was shorter than usual at 26 days as opposed to 28 day cycles and I do not bleed a lot- no more than 2-3 days. My testosterone was at low end of saliva test in May but in range as all my hormone levels were in range.
I'm worried about the LH level- could this be causing symptoms???
Oh! I use 5-10mg progesterone first two weeks of cycle for sleep which is great for me. I use 20-40mg the last two weeks. I felt like i was ovulating this month by day 8!!! Could the low dose p cream first two weeks of cycle be causing this LH surge?
I'm also wondering if my estrogen was too high.
I have no other dire health problems and take no pharmaceutical drugs. I have tempered most of my issues with exercise and meditation-basically, trying to lower stress.
please help! I hope I've given you enough info. Alison
PS---testing estadiol and progesterone again on day 21
Comments for Higher LH than FSH in follicular stage Continued