
Food for thought about Inositol

by Susan jo
(New Jersey)

Hi Wray,

I have been reading about Inositol and reading reviews on hair, pcos, acne forums taking this supplement. Well alot of good results. There are a very few that are experiencing opposite results. "MY" theory on this is that at first it obviously starts balancing hormones..huh... they say it lowers both testosterones,insulin, increases progesterone. I am definitely going to try this supplement. I think the ones not getting good results isn't taking enough, need more progesterone because of the adjustment and getting estrogen dominance. Here is a link that explains how it effects the hormones. For me and many others I have read about on this site some others would benefit from this supplement. It supposed to to help ovaries, insulin, androgens (hair on chin, acne) which I have. When I read this site it sounds like what progesterone cream does.

Thank you
Susan Jo

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Oct 30, 2015
Food for thought about Inositol
by: Wray

Hi Susan Jo Yes inositol is excellent, about 4000mg/day is needed, folic acid is a good combo with it. See our page on PCOS. Take care Wray

Nov 02, 2015
Choline and other supplements
by: Susan Jo

Hi Wray

What is your thoughts/knowledge about taking choline along with this supplement (Inositol). I also read that I think it was Inositol or choline can't remember, should be taken with other vitamins and minerals because it can deplete certain nutrients. I heard it can increase calcium and coffee depletes Inositol. Also it it decreases testosterone is that in woman only, meaning does it react differently from men to women, obviously it does react differently to person to but does it lower mens testosterone too.

Thank you
Susan Jo

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