
DIM, Zinc, and PCOS

by Chloe
(NY, NY)

I just spent quite a bit of time researching Dim, Zinc, and then resistance exercise training, well further research, after hearing some news that concerned me. I overheard some guys at the gym talking abut how happy they are with their results since supplementing with DIM, the results being it has raised their testosterone levels. So I started looking into it in a few different formats. Does Dim raise testosterone, does it in women, what dosage does etc? Then I searched under natural ways to boost testosterone, DIM came up about 6/10 times. It's all over the bodybuilding forums, and "some" of these guys are very well versed in the supplement department. They won't waste their time on a products that doesn't give results. Two articles had lab results showing the testosterone increase.

The other natural ways that came up frequently to increase testosterone were zinc supplementation, and resistance/interval training. All three of these things are highly recommended for PCOS. DIM, I believe is highly popular right now in general, and I can see why in regards to harmful estrogens, zinc is advised for acne, and this type of exercise is advised for PCOS to aid in insulin resistance. Supposedly better than cardio for the metabolic issues us with PCOS have.

I'm hoping I haven't spent the last six months raising my testosterone, my acne and hair have definitely increased, other than a clear two weeks I had on an acne product regimen. I thought it was the estrogen wake up crisis, progesterone adjustment while attempting to make it dominant, or the cessation of oral birth control. The last thing I or I'm guessing anybody with PCOS want to hear is their testosterone is increasing, especially, unknowingly doing it with what they were advised would help.

Has anyone stopped using DIM because of this, or have any insight on the subject?

Comments for DIM, Zinc, and PCOS

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Oct 22, 2014
by: Anonymous

My daughter's acne has actually cleared up since on DIM. Never heard of it being used to increase T.

Oct 22, 2014
I have used DIM
by: Letitia

My Dr put me on DIM to clear estrogen from my system

I did not have any increase in testosterone and it did the job I needed it to do.

I would not hesitate to use it again

Oct 24, 2014
by: Chloe

I really like what DIM does, I think it's great protection against harmful estrogen. I also wish I had the same great results the both of you mentioned. Do either if you have PCOS, or high androgen levels? If so, how do you use the progesterone? Do you follow the directions given here or do you follow another regimen? Any tips would be great. I'm stuck in self- pity mode, I can't stand these cysts on my face anymore. They're so painful, last so long, and they can get so big they distort your face..... depending on where it's located. I feel ridiculous complaining about pcos, when others are suffering from far worse conditions, but sometimes it gets the best of me.

Oct 28, 2014
by: Letitia

If you rub your progesterone on you face, it will take the cysts away, It really does

Nov 06, 2015
by: Heather U.

I've never taken DIM, but here's my experience with zinc/PCOS! All of the PCOS info/boards tell us to take zinc as well as a bunch of other vitamins/supplements to help it so that's what I've been doing. A few months ago I started noticing that I had lost A LOT of hair (severe thinning/diffusing/female pattern baldness--I've always had fine/thin hair too so it looked REALLY bad) and I soon realized it wasn't long after starting back on metformin after many years and nothing else had changed, so I stopped (after some research I found that it increases DHT and causes hair loss in some women) and within a week or two my hair started coming back. It was still noticeably thin on top and in front, but way better.

About a month ago we ran out of the zinc supplement we usually buy so I did some research and bought a more superior form of it for better absorption and in the last few weeks I noticed my hair was getting worse again. Of course I hadn't made that connection yet, so just by accident looking for things other than PCOS in general that cause hair loss and how to fix it I found someone that said too much zinc can cause hair loss because it creates DHT, testosterone, etc., so I did some more research and found out this is pretty common knowledge, just no one ever mentions it lol.

So I stopped taking it about a week ago and almost all of my hair is back now. I've taken metformin in the past without that issue so I'm now sure that the zinc was the main issue all along as I had never taken them together before.

You can also have hair loss if your zinc is too low and adding the supplement can help it grow back in those cases (and if you're deficient and don't get too much it regulates your hormones from what I've read), so I think it all depends on whether your body needs it or not and making sure you're not getting too much while you're taking it.

May 18, 2017
Dim / Zinc
by: Anonymous

If you have androgen issues then Dim is likely not for you. It could just make you feel worse and even cause hair loss. Just because it helps others doesn't mean it will react the same in your body - our chemistry is all so different.

Dim made me depressed and cry every day and lose hair. (I have cysts but not other pcos symptom except acne and heavy period). I am super sensitive to both androgens and estrogen changes. It's just not for everyone.

As for zinc - that's an eye opener! I was just reading one of the main pages with the 3 Month of 100mg day zinc advice thinking I have 'x' problem and so I should really do that!!! I've stuck to low dose (and do suffer hair loss!) Wow I will not be touching zinc now. I will get enough from food but no supplement for me.

Why would women want to cure pcos issues etc but be left bald. It's like you have to choose the symptoms you're willing to live with. Mother Nature is just so lovely isn't she?!

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