by Jennifer
(United States)
I am really confused as to tests results and could use some help. I just turned 36 and have been trying to conceive for over 5 years. I have also had severe PMS, heavy periods, and terrible cramping for as long as I can remember. Last month my Dr ordered hormone tests but never told me there is a specific time to take the tests. I went on the 7th day of my menstrual cycle and my cycle is generally 28 days. I went to get my results and she stated that my progesterone is really low and estrogen is really high. She stated this could be the reason for not conceiving and my awful PMS/ periods. She prescribed progesterone cream which I now have in my possession. However, after doing much research I am afraid that since my tests were done during my period they may not even be accurate. I have had no luck getting in touch with my Dr yet today to clarify but from all of my research and from what I have read here, these tests should have been done 7 days PRIOR to the start of my period. As it stands, my results are as follows Estradiol: 98.3 pg/mL, Progesterone: .4 ng/mL. I am set to start the progesterone cream on day 8 of my next period and I am 21 days into this cycle. Should I go ahead and start the progesterone cream or speak to my Dr and have my tests redone? Any input would be greatly appreciated...
Comments for Diagnosed with low progesterone but test were done on the 7th day of my menstrual cycle