
Could I just clarify...?

by Helen

Hi Wray,

I'm not sure if this is the right place to ask, (but I can't see another way of contacting you), but could you just clarify - when you talk about using 400mg of progesterone, do you mean 400mg of the cream, or do you mean enough cream to CONTAIN 400mg of progesterone, as that would a lot of ounces of cream used up each time!?!

I've seen the chart on the 'how to use progesterone cream page, but I can't seem to work out what the answer might be unfortunately.


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Nov 18, 2014
Could I just clarify...?
by: Wray

Hi Helen This is a good place to ask. I mean 400mg of progesterone. One milligram is a minute amount, barely visible to the eye. There are 1000mg in a gram, and about 30 grams in an ounce. So using 400mg could mean a large amount of cream if one is using a very low strength cream. 400mg of progesterone will require 12g of Natpro, the progesterone cream we make. This would mean 1 tube would last 5 days. In creams half the strength and with less progesterone, which most are, the container could last only 2 days. You might like to contact Julienne for more advice. Her email is... Take care Wray

Nov 18, 2014
by: Helen Smith

Hi Wray

Thanks for your reply.

Well, that certainly IS a lot of cream! (And if I bought the cream that's most readily available to us in the UK, that's about a spend of £300 /$500 a month!)


Do you have an idea how long, on average, women generally find they need to be on this higher loading dose?

And, thanks for the contact info for Julienne - but not sure who she is or why I would need to contact her....?

Nov 18, 2014
by: Wray

Hi Helen I suppose 12g could be viewed as a lot of cream! But if you considered using the Natpro, it would cost you £90.75, not £300!!! It's still a lot of money, but generally it's not for too long. Although some have written in saying they've used 1000mg/day for over a year, see here. Unfortunately I can't say how long any individual would need it for, the same applies to an average. I can only advise people, I have no means of tracking their usage. We have many distributors in the UK, one of whom is Julienne. She has also advised on it's use for over 18 years now, plus she's well aware of the importance of vitamin D combined with progesterone. Hence my suggestion you contact her. Take care Wray

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