by KD
I’m 52 and nearing (I think!) menopause, but not there yet.
Relevant history: hysterectomy at age 49 due to chocolate cyst on right ovary. Kept left ovary. Also learned I have severe endometriosis (yes, I told doctors for 25 years how much pain I was in every month). They cleaned out as much endo as they could, but some was too close to bowel and bladder.
6 months post surgery, I get vaginal spotting. And then again a month later. Finally got examined on a day when it was occurring and they determined that a small amount of endometrial tissue was accidentally included in the stitches of my vaginal cuff. So, get this, although I have no uterus, I get spotting at my period time. I’ve come to appreciate this error as a gift because even post surgery I’m able to tell how often I am cycling. These days it’s about every 3-4 months that I see this spotting.
In the past 8 months (age 51), I have had 2 unexplained loss of consciousness incidents. One in December, one in August. Both were a couple of hours after lunch while working at my desk. It happens quick. I feel off for about two seconds and then I’m out. I come back quickly but then am shaky and exhausted for hours. Both times I’ve gone to the ER, they do all the tests and proclaim me the picture of perfect health. Neurologists have tried to induce seizures and nothing. I’ve had two echos of my heart and functionally it looks beautiful. My blood sugar is also great, and after the most recent incident, I immediately tested my blood sugar and it was 102, so that rules out it being a low blood sugar event.
I am wondering if hormones could be at play. In December, I had (very atypical for me) panicky feelings for several days before the incident. 14 days after the incident, I had the spotting I mentioned (after not having it for 5 months prior). I did see the spotting again in March. Then everything was fine/great (and no more cycles) until August. 5 days before the incident I was crazy PMS irrational, 2 days before the incident I had the spotting.
Every doctor seems to think I’m crazy to suggest that hormones might be a factor? But there don’t seem to be other explanations either. I will be seeing a cardiologist to look for a possible arrhythmia.
I did start getting hot flashes (mainly night sweats) in November. Started nightly vitamin E in January and those completely stopped within 2 days and have not returned. But I was still having occasional panicky for no reason feelings (like a sudden adrenaline rush but with no cause), so then I started on 100 mg of Prometrium at bedtime and that went away completely. Since starting Prometrium I have felt great, until August when I fainted at my desk again.
If anyone has any ideas, I would love to hear them. I have seen my doctor, will see my OBGYN, and will see cardiologist but I know that none of them are going to look at me as a whole system, so I have to do that for myself. I appreciate anyone who has read this far!
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