by Ginger
I don’t have a story you haven’t heard before. I just want to give you some background, so that an appropriate dosage of Natpro can be suggested to overcome the estrogen buildup.
I’ve felt for quite some time that my physicality screams estrogen dominance regardless of what lab work reads. I carry weight in my arms, lower abdomen, hips, and legs.
Due to chronic fatigue, I sought medical help thinking it was my thyroid, as I have a sister with Graves.
When tested, MTHFR (677?);heterozygous, Hashimotos, Epstein Barr, SLE, RNP antibodies were found to be and continue to be high.I have a below range TSH, but take Armour for my thyroid. I don’t know how much of this is relevant, but now you know.
My Dr. was “more concerned with low estrogen and progesterone levels than thyroid.” This is where HRT came into play. Since then, I’ve been on HRT for about six years: .375 estrogen patch, and 50 mg,…then 60 mg of SR oral bioidentical progesterone.
Latest sex hormone blood levels and range:
Estradiol 39.4 pg/mL R: <6.0 -54.7
Progesterone 0.5 ng/mL R: 0.0-0.1
Testosterone was not tested.
This past summer, I was eating well, exercising, and noticing the benefits, but never overcoming fatigue. With shorter days, less sunlight and activity, I noticed more than typical weight gain, more joint and muscle pain than in the past. Getting out of bed in the morning, I felt like I had been drugged. So, appointment was made, blood was drawn and reviewed. Dr. determined I was “progesterone dominant.” Therefore, oral progesterone was dropped to 40 mg.
**Vitamin B12 and Vitamin D were low. (I’ve been mega dosing to bring these levels up for the past thee months.)
The “progesterone dominance” diagnosis just didn’t seem logical. I went back to some Ray Peat articles and started taking things into my own hands. For the past month, I’ve been using a scissors to cut my patch by 1/3, and taking the prescribed 40 mg of progesterone @ night. The plan is to progressively cut more away from the patch.
Recently, I found this forum.
I just received my bottle of Natpro w/ pump and want to get started using this to replace the oral micronized progesterone.
I’ve read recommended: ‘Estrogen Dominance’ page, ‘How to Use Progesterone Cream”, “Coming Off HRT,” along with personal experiences of others like me.
My confusion lies here: The “Coming Off HRT” page indicates a schedule for reducing HRT over time. Is this for both progesterone and estrogen simultaneously, or should I go cold turkey on the estrogen and follow reduction schedule for progesterone, only? Will 200mg of Natpro per day be a good place to start or do you recommend higher to overcome estrogen levels? Thank you!