
Can progesterone cream help me if I have Premature Ovarian Failure (POF)?

Hi Wray -

I've been diagnosed with POF - how likely is it that progesterone cream will induce a period? I would like to try and get pregnant naturally, but with my diagnosis and age, I'm not feeling very hopeful.

At age 39, I went off birth control pills after 18 years. I assumed my body was adjusting when my periods became irregular. However, after going 4 months without a period, I went to an endocrinologist who ran lab tests and received the following "post-menopausal" results:

FSH: 169
Estradiol = 32
AMH = < 0.03 (undetectable)

I was put on Provera for 10 days to induce a period which never came. 2 weeks later, I had an ultrasound done where 4 follicles at 8mm were found (2 on each side). The endocrinologist was surprised and told me I should expect a period soon.

My period did not come that month, so I began Chinese herbs and acupuncture. 2 months later, I finally got my period (after 200 days) and exactly 28 days later, I got another. I thought I was cured, but 8 months have passed again and no sign of a period.

Since then, I've been taking many supplements in addition to my herbs: multi-vitamin, CoQ10, ProOmega-D, Evening Primrose, Symplex F, Ovex and DHEA (25mg).

I also went to a compounding pharmacy to have saliva testing done. Results showed I was low in progesterone and DHEA. That's when I was prescribed natural progesterone cream to try and kickstart a period - however, it's been 2 months now with no luck.

I should mention that POF does not run in my family - my mom went through menopause at 55 and my sister is getting her period regularly at 47. I also tested negative for multiple antibodies tests, Fragile X, Turner's Syndrome, etc. I have no cysts,, no fibroids and my uterus is apparently very healthy.

Aside from amenorrhea and terrible numbers, I have no POF or menopausal symptoms - i.e. no hot flashes, no night sweats, no vaginal dryness, no brain fog, no insomnia. I eat mostly all organic food, exercise regularly and am not overly stressed.

Your thoughts and advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you -

Comments for Can progesterone cream help me if I have Premature Ovarian Failure (POF)?

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Sep 15, 2018
I have the same problem
by: Olga

I had POF since age 28, I'm now 36. I am on biodentical hormones but still no period. What did your doctor give you and did you ever get your period ?

Sep 17, 2018
Can progesterone cream help me if I have Premature Ovarian Failure (POF)?
by: Joy

Premature ovarian failure affects about 1% of women. It could be that you are suffering from Insulin Resistance as this affects the ovaries greatly. A lack of vitamin D is one of the causes of insulin resistance. Progesterone is always low in premature ovarian failure and in a malfunctioning ovary. So to answer your question yes, progesterone does help.

Progesterone therapy does take time to work, it can take 2 to 6 months before one benefits. Between 100-200mg is needed. Please read How to use Progesterone Cream. You might like to compare your test results to those mentioned on the Hormone Testing page. You are also in Peri-Menopause which starts at around 35. You might also like to read the Menstruation cycle and Pregnancy pages.

Vitamin D3 is very important as a deficiency reduces the benefits of progesterone, optimal range is between 70-100ng/mL. Nothing less than 5,000iu's is needed daily. Co-factors are needed when taking D3, magnesium and vitamin K2 with no soy are the important ones. See The Vitamin D Council.

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