
Breastfeeding oversupply

by Gigi

Hi there,

I am currently battling oversupply and I have tried everything. Block feeding, pumping out the letdown before feeding, just pumping to decrease output, but my oversupply continues. I am 9 weeks pp.

Would progesterone help reduce my supply? I had pcos symptoms before pregnancy, and during pregnancy I was on 300-400mg of progesterone per day.

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Aug 15, 2024
Breastfeeding oversupply
by: Joy

Hi Gigi

Have you had your Prolactin level tested? Progesterone causes an increase in dopamine by suppressing prolactin and estrogen. It is also a mono amine oxidase inhibitor. Mono amine oxidase is an enzyme that breaks down dopamine and serotonin. The role of prolactin during growth of the mammary gland and in lactation is well established (see ref. 1 for review) and the antagonising action of progesterone on lactogenesis (but not on mammary growth) has been recognised see here.

If progesterone is high enough it suppresses prolactin, which prevents lactation during pregnancy. It's only after birth when progesterone levels drop, that prolactin rises see here.

Based on the above yes, progesterone should help reduce lactation levels because it has an antagonistic action on lactogenesis.

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