
Am I using enough Natpro?

by Mary

I have been using Natpro for 8 months now to help control Menopausal symptoms. I think I may be experiencing estrogen dominance. I use approx half a teaspoon twice a day and it has helped reduce my hot flushes and their intensity, although I do still get very mild ones. I also suffer from a dry vagina which even with lubricants makes sex very painful. Most of my body hair has thinned and stopped growing and the hair on my head is thinning at an alarming rate.
I did try increasing the amount of Natpro to about three quarters of a teaspoon twice a day but my hot flushes became worse and I had really bad night sweats which I had never had before and so I reduced it back down again and they disappeared.
After reading through loads of info I have just started taking vitamin D but I am wondering if I should try increasing the Natpro again and trying to persevere with the adverse symptoms in the hope they will eventually disappear. I would really appreciate your advice about this and what dosage would be best to try.

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Jul 13, 2012
Am I using enough Natpro?
by: Wray

Hi Mary Oestrogen Dominance can come out of the blue. Usually the main reason is stress, have you had any more than normal? I have found 400mg/day is needed to stop Hot Flushes, 400mg is 12ml. 3/4 tsp is 7.5ml, so twice that would be 15ml, this would give you 500mg/day. So I'm really surprised it hasn't help you, but how long did you try it for? If you are having more stress, it could be most of the progesterone was going that route, leaving little for the hot flushes. Please try the increased amount again. We do have a page on Hair Loss too, which gives a list of nutrients which help with re-growth. I'm delighted you've started taking vitamin D, please have a test done though. It could be your level is low and more than the 5000iu's per day that is recommended is not enough to bring the level up quickly. For more info on vitamin D levels, test kits etc see the Vitamin D Council, GrassrootsHealth, Birmingham Hospital and Vitamin D Links websites. Blood levels should be 175-250nmol/L and not the 50nmol/L the NHS and therefore Birmingham Hospital regard as adequate. The minimum daily dose should be 5000iu's per day, although the latest research indicates it should be 10,000iu's per day, see here. Interestingly women have been finding if they get they vitamin D levels up, persistent symptoms have gone, see these comments here. Take care Wray

Jul 18, 2012
Am I using enough Natpro - Part 2
by: Mary

Thank you for your advice Wray. It has helped to clarify what I should be doing, I think I was making the classic mistake of blaming the increased Natpro for the symptoms and reducing it instead of realising the problem was the oestrogen and to just persevere.
I have upped my Natpro again to three quarters of a teaspoon twice a day and the dreaded night sweats haven't returned yet and hopefully won't. The hot flushes have increased in intensity but I'm hoping it is a short term problem and will disappear when I get over the oestrogen dominence.
Thanks for the info re the hair loss, I have started taking some of the supplements and hopefully it will help. I'll let you know how I get on.
Thanks again for all your help and the great info on these pages.

Jul 20, 2012
Am I using enough Natpro - Part 2
by: Wray

Hi Mary It's all too easy to blame the progesterone! It makes sense too, as that's the only change made. But we forget the effect it has on oestrogen, plus levels can drop if stressed, so symptoms come back, and progesterone is blamed again as not working. I have found the higher the endogenous oestrogen the more progesterone is needed. I do hope it helps soon, hot flushes/night sweats were the worst aspect of Peri-menopause for me, not something I'd wish on anyone! Someone recently told me GABA helped hers, so you could consider trying that. If you do try it, please let me know how you fare, so I can pass on the info if it worked for you. I'm not sure when you use the progesterone, but it can be applied hourly if need be. Or as soon as you feel a hot flush coming rub some on, this often helps. I do hope the nutrients help too, it's not a quick fix as hair grows very slowly. Thanks for the kind words! Take care Wray

Jul 17, 2013
Update on hair loss
by: Mary

Hi Wray
Just thought that I'd give you a quick update on the hair loss issue. It has been a year since I started taking Iron, Zinc, L-Lysine and Vitamin B Complex to help with my hair loss along with the Vitamin D, Magnesium and Progesterone cream. I'm happy to say that there has been some hair growth on my head although my body hair is still very sparse. The new hair growth is very fine and still only about half an inch long but at least it is growing and started to grow within two or three weeks of taking the nutrients. In the last month I have just added Inosital, Nac and Biotin to this list. I hadn't added them before because I couldn't get them from my normal supplier and I read of some adverse side effects, so thought I'd try the initial nutrients first. I have done more research recently into any possible side effects from Nac and Inosital and I am perfectly happy to take them now. I'll let you know how I get on.
By the way I still use three quarters of a teaspoon of Natpro morning and night and feel great, no hot flushes or any other symptoms. Many thanks.

Jul 18, 2013
Update on hair loss
by: Wray

Hi Mary I was very puzzled on re-reading your page again not to see our Hair Loss page. Maybe I hadn't written it then. Inositol is the most important, plus 14% of the hair comprises NAC, another most important nutrient. It irritates me the misinformation on the web about NAC, there are 14,166 studies about it on PubMed! No hint of danger either, except the one paper you probably found showing an adverse affect in rats. I'd be dead now if there was with the amount I take! I have lots of hair and extremely strong finger nails thanks to it. No amount of any nutrient will bring back the lost body hair, but yes to the hair on our head thank heavens. I'm so delighted things are going well for you, and bless you for letting me know, feed back is so essential to me. Take care Wray

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