
Alcohal is a carbohydrate?

by Kris

You said that Alcohal is a carbohydrate, what kind of alcohal are you talking about? Because whisky brings down the blood sugar level.

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Mar 30, 2012
Alcohal is a carbohydrate?
by: Wray

Hi Kris Not knowing the comment you are referring to, I can't say with any accuracy why I said that. It was obviously a generalisation, as some alcohols do not contain carbs. For instance the spirits don't fall into this category, whereas wines and beers do. But all alcohols, be they spirits, wines or beers, do have a calorific value, see here, which gets added to the total daily caloric intake. There is a paradox to drinking alcohol. Studies have found it increases appetite prior to a meal, so people tend to eat more, see here. This is probably because it drops blood glucose levels, see here. But it doesn't appear to increase weight gain, certainly in men. One reason given it is increases the metabolic rate, which also causes thermogenesis. There is another paradox here too. In men it doesn't appear to affect weight gain, see here. But in women it affects hormone levels, see here and here. It decreases progesterone levels and increases androgen levels, both the total testosterone and free testosterone become higher. Testosterone is notorious at increasing visceral fat, which causes abdominal fat gain, see here and here. The lowered progesterone, higher testosterone probably accounts for the increased risk in breast cancer risk among women, see here and here. Higher testosterone is also associated with an increased risk for Insulin Resistance and heart disease, see here. Incidentally sugar itself brings down blood glucose levels, which prompts the adrenals to produce adrenaline to bring it up again fast. Take care Wray

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