Post-stroke dizziness, anxiety, etc
by Tanya
(South Dakota)
I had a stroke in 2009 at the age of 39. It was a clot, presumably formed in my heart, passing through PFO to the brain. It was a large clot and my main symptom of the stroke was intense vertigo.
My lingering symptoms were dizziness, which as time passed, localized to just before period and around ovulation. Those have mostly passed now, thankfully, but sometimes do recur.
I consider myself hypoglycemic (read something recently about that being called complex hunger and related to neurotransmitter releases after eating improving symptoms rather than blood sugar issues), and have been all my life. I had an ovarian cyst burst at 14 (menses at 11). I used BCP for about 7 yrs.
When I had my second child, I used Prog only BCP and felt the best I have ever felt. I have used Prog cream in the past and had good results as well.
A chiro suggested the dizzy spells were related to fluid levels, and that the changing pressure in my skull was pressing on the area of the stroke. I also read where prog is used to reduce swelling after brain trauma.
I am dealing with my body sabotaging that no matter how ordered my thoughts are, my body goes into panic/defensive mode over nothing. My Vit D was 120...up from 60 2 yrs ago, 20 a year before that, and have stopped supplementing for now to get it down a bit.
I am taking tyrosine, 5HTP, gaba, zinc, magnesium, chromium, and other adrenal support vitamins per a nutritional consusltant I found (finally!). I have been no grains for 45 days and avoiding MSG. She thought my headaches would be related to MSG but I think it is more about my cycle. My anxiety symptoms are improved, but are worse the week of and after my cycle.
I have excessive fluid/mucus with ovualtion, including brown streaks and sludge. My periods are bright red and heavy, but not clots, more like lots of fluid.
My libido is nill. My score on your questionnairre was 60!
I have suspected hormones, and thyroid issues, which seem to parallel the prog issues if I read your symptoms list correctly. I am looking for a reason why my adrenals are shot, because healing them will not be effective if there is an underlying cause.
I am interested to hear your thoughts on my symptoms. Thanks!