
8 miscarriages and waiting for the 9th

by Joanna
(London, UK)

I am 35, apparently healthy and have a son aged 2 1/2. I had 4 early miscarriages (between 5-6 weeks) before conceiving my son. I took aspirin-75mcg per day and thought this was the answer. Since then I have had 4 more early miscarriages, again 5-6 weeks and took aspirin each time but it didn't seem to help.

I have been tested at the recurrent miscarriage clinic and all my tests came back within the normal range. No chromosomal abnormalities between my partner and I either. I am sure there is a medical reason for this but cannot get my GP to help me any further. I have been using a progesterone cream I bought over the internet since ovulation this month and have a positive pregnancy test but am not sure if this is the effect of the progesterone in my system or I am actually pregnant. Can you help?

I also bled a lot during the first trimester with my son but he seemed to hang in there!

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Jun 26, 2009
8 miscarriages and waiting for the 9th
by: Wray

Hi Joanna. Miscarriages can be caused by many factors, but having so many early ones does point to a progesterone deficiency. I'm surprised you were not given it when you did fall pregnant. The aspirin would not have helped the foetus to stay in place, it would merely thin your blood. Having the tests after the miscarriage would not have shown anything either, the tests should have been done while you were pregnant to check progesterone and hCG levels. Pregnancy tests normally pick up hCG and not progesterone, which would have no bearing on the test. Please read our page here on pregnancy and progesterone use, because if you are pregnant it's imperative you continue using the progesterone cream:

As you have had recurrent miscarriages, and all obvious signs of abnormalities have been ruled out, and therefore a lack of progesterone seems the most likely explanation, I would suggest you use 300mg/day of progesterone for at least the first month of pregnancy. Thereafter you could reduce it slowly to 200mg/day provided no symptoms of a deficiency occur. Some of these are nausea, bleeding, spotting, headaches, water retention. Please use some every day in your vagina too, absorption from the vagina is almost immediate and goes straight to the endometrium where it's needed most. The page I've given above does have many research papers too, please read these to reassure yourself about progesterone use in pregnancy. Take care, Wray

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