by Chris
I became hypothyroid after my first son was born. I started using natural dessicated thyroid replacement which worked well, although didn't help me lose any weight. I have also been using bio-identical progesterone cream for about 13years (a bit on and off at times) for PCOS and it has been amazingly helpful and controlled PCOS very well.
I got pregnant with my son first try regardless of the long standing PCOS and I think the progesterone treatment had something to do with that.
When my son was 3.5yrs I started trying to get pregnant again, it took me a year to fall pregnant this time, I think this was thyroid related. My doctor said he wanted to monitor my thyroid carefully when I actually did become pregnant. Which I didn't realise at the time meant monitoring my TSH levels only. Well on natural dessicated thyroid (NTH) my TSH is always suppressed (therefore looks abnormal) while my FT4 & FT3 are in the right place. But as I have learned recently I should not worry at all about the suppressed TSH as long as my FT4 and FT3 are in the right range.. preferably highish end of normal.
So I carried the pregnancy to 12weeks...and for some stupid reason I was using my progesterone cream erratically when I should have been diligent with it at least till 4mths. AND at the same time my doctor was drastically reducing my NTH because of the suppressed TSH labs. He was not paying any attention to the normal levels of FT4 & FT3. So about 1 week after the final big decrease in NTH. I had a very dramatic and complete miscarriage. I had been feeling very hypothyroid by this time too. And had queried it with my doctor asking if I could increase my dose of NTH and asked why was it always being reduced??
Well too late, lost the baby before I realised what was happening. And I really do think it had a lot to do with dramatically dropping thyroid medication..but ALSO probably lack of adequate progesterone. It was a bit of a perfect situation for a miscarriage. As I now realise.
After this happened I vowed to take it into my own hands to know what to do regarding progesterone and thyroid while pregnant. First off lost I 38lbs rather quickly on a bit of a radical diet but it was the only thing that I could lose weight on with the hypothyroid problem I had so I was pleased I could even manage to achieve any weight loss at all as I had had no success previously with very strict diet and exercise for over a year.
Now at a better weight, I also started something called the iodine'll find that on the yahoo discussion groups, Iodine group...I just did the maintenance dose (12.5mg iodine and companion nutrients) as I knew I wanted to get pregnant asap (I'm 41yrs so, no time to lose).
Well I had lost the weight, gone on iodine protocol, re-stabilised my thyroid dose upward to where I felt good and started using bio identical progesterone cream daily and consistently. Although only 50mg dose in the second half of my cycle, so not a big dose. I got pregnant immediately,it really took me by surprise! being that it had taken me a year the last time with the one I lost.
I have worried constantly about losing this one which is just impossible not to do once you've had a miscarriage. But this time I monitored my thyroid labs myself. I requested my doc forward my labs to me each month and I have ignored the suppressed tsh but looked for my FT4 to be about middle upper of the range and the FT3 to be upper end of the range. For the most part I have achieved this, it has required some increases but certainly not any decreases other than minor 10mg adjustments ...nothing like the crazy drops in NTH of the miscarried pregnancy. I have been very diligent with the progesterone using it everyday. I am now 20weeks pregnant and feeling more confident as each week goes by. Of course I will only feel truly successful once I hold that baby in my arms but I am half way there.
It took a lot of reading and research and a lot of not listening to the mainstream medical profession. Also I adjusted my diet to the Weston A Price Foundation way of eating which has been wonderful too. All these things seem to have come together and are helping me to get to my goal.
I get my progesterone cream from an Australian bio identical pharmaceutical company called Lawley pharmaceuticals. They provide a very consistent and reliable product that I would recommend highly. I used various brands before discovering them but find they are better than a compounding pharmacist who's dose can be a bit unreliable.
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