by Maz/Pearl (same person)
Sorry for any name confusion on my previous posts.
When my cycle finally stopped about two years ago. I started taking Wild Yam and also tried Praria Maurifica (can't spell it).
I stopped the PM as I had very odd breast tenderness. I took the Wild Yam in small doses that had zinc with it for about a year after mistakenly thinking (conflicting info out there) that the diesongenin was progesterone!
Ok, now I know better I can do better. But, is Wild Yam actually a form of Estrogen taken this way? It did help me feel much better but, coupled with lock down, I did start to gain some belly fat and pounds. Also being vegan I was having soy products etc (Now stopped thanks to Joys advice)
I am wondering if I caused my own Estrogen dominance this way?
Anyway. Third week on bio Pro. Third day in on Nat Pro and increasing it after Joys advice again. I have to say I love the feeling of the Nat Pro cream, it glides on like silk, goes straight in unlike the previous brand that left a film due to its glycerine content. It is a wonderful moisturiser as well. What a great side effect.
Ladies spent hundreds on such creams, so why not quit that and put your pennies towards the Nat Pro instead. It's a win win, organic, and full of the good stuff. Just an idea, but worth it. I will be discarding all my old hand creams and moisturisers now and using this instead.