
weight gain with a healthy diet - post menopausal

by Sharon

Hi - I am 56 and post menopausal. I have gained 3 stone since menopause. I did have a period of very high stress. I walk about 10 - 20 miles a week. I was a nutritionist so I know a lot about diet. I eat no gluten, sugar, dairy and eat essential fats, tempeh, sea food and fish with high veg. I still gain weight. I have to water fast to keep it on a plateau.

I recently had my bloods done and I am less than 0.02 Progesterone and 51 Oestrogen. Would this still make me Oestrogen dominant? I have insomnia unless I take Melatonin and I have pain on intercourse with vaginal dryness. Any advise I am grateful for!!


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Jul 22, 2018
Natpro get your life back.
by: Anonymous

You're not alone. Try Natpro you won’t regret it and you’ll get your life back.
From one who knows .
Natpro user for 5 years .
Best of luck.
Muphie . X

Jul 23, 2018
weight gain with a healthy diet - post menopausal
by: Joy

Hi Sharon

Please read the Menopause page. According to your blood tests you have very little progesterone. The progesterone:estrogen ratio should be 600:1, please read the Hormone Testing page. Weight gain can be due to thyroid and insulin resistance issues, have you been tested?

You need to balance your hormones by using a good natural progesterone cream such as Natpro. It is also excellent when inserted in the vagina at night as it will help with dryness. Progesterone should be used no less than twice a day, half the amount in the morning and the other at night. Between 100-200mg per day is needed, sometimes more if symptoms are severe. The How to use Progesterone Cream and Estrogen Dominance pages will help you to understand more.

If you do consider using progesterone please make sure that your vitamin D3 level is within range. Vitamin D3 is very important as a deficiency reduces the benefits of progesterone, optimal range is between 70-100ng/mL. Nothing less than 5,000iu's is needed daily. Co-factors are needed when taking D3, magnesium and vitamin K2 with no soy are the important ones.

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