
Switching from Progesterall to Natpro

by Jenna

Hello! I've been using Dr. Lee's Progesterall for about 10 years and now find out they've stopped making it. I started out at 300mg/day, but have decreased over the years as I approached menopause and am now at 80mg/day and that seems to be working fine.

I'm dismayed at having to switch brands now. I don't want to rock the hormone boat now that I finally feel balanced (after years of migraine hell). In any case, I like the purity of Natpro's ingredients so will probably choose that as my new brand. I want to make the swap VERY gradually, like starting with just 5mg of Natpro per day and the rest Progesterall, adding a bit more Natpro every few days.

Can anyone tell me how to measure 5mg of Natpro in order to achieve this? All I can find is that the dispenser pumps out 50mg at a time.

I'd appreciate any help with this. Thank you so much!

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Aug 16, 2022
Switching from Progesterall to Natpro
by: Joy

Hi Jenna

As you read this website you will see that between 100-200mg Natpro Progesterone (3% cream) is needed per day. Anything less and you will experience a few problems i.e. weight gain, aggravate estrogen receptors. Please read the How to use Progesterone Cream, Migraines and Menopause pages.

The switch may cause a disruption but seeing that you have been using progesterone for 10 years now, it shouldn't take long for the body to adjust again. Finish the cream that you are using and switch straight onto Natpro when you are ready. Please do not start on 5mg per day this will cause your progesterone level to drop rapidly and that is the last thing that you need.

One full pump of Natpro delivers 50mg progesterone cream. You need at least 100mg per day. Half the amount (50mg) in the morning and the other half at night. This allows progesterone levels to remain stable. Using it once a day will spike the level.

Take care.

Aug 16, 2022
Switching from progesterall to natpro
by: Jenna

Hi Joy, thank you for your reply. I think you may have misunderstood my question. I wouldn't be using ONLY 5mg of natpro, but 5mg of natpro with 75mg of progesterall (so still 80mg total). Then gradually switching the amounts of each brand, always sticking to 80mg total until I am on natpro only. I can't do that approach without knowing how much natpro contains 5mg. I'm not going to make the switch abruptly as you suggest. I won't put my body through that. And I won't go back up to 100mg/day. I finally found a good place at 80mg. Maybe there isn't a way for you to determine how much natpro contains 5mg, in which case I'll look for another brand.

Aug 17, 2022
Switching from Progesterall to Natpro
by: Joy

Hi Jenna

One full pump action dispenses 1.5g of cream which contains 50mg of progesterone as stated on the website.

Take care.

Aug 17, 2022
Cream dosage equations
by: Justine

I'm just going to jump in here and help with the math behind dosage and quantities incase it isn't clear:

Natpro has a concentration of 3.33% progesterone or 33.33 milligrams per gram
One full pump action dispenses 1.5grams of cream which contains 50 milligrams of progesterone

So 5 milligrams of progesterone is obtained by dividing the cream from one pump of the dispenser into 10 units.

Hope this helps!

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