by Monica
Hi Wray
I've just got back my results from the progest/oestrogen saliva test that I had done. I'm definitely progesterone dominant now but I think too much so! I don't really know how to read the results but progesterone is elevated 4000 oestrogen low 0.1 Progesterone/Oestrogen balance it says 40000 >100. The practitioner says I should reduce my progesterone or stop it completely. I take the progesterone most of the month breaking 3/4 days during my period. I have recently been thinking of cutting it back a bit but I'm afraid of the breast pain coming back. I feel ok, a bit groggy around my period but my main problem, which is the breast pain is as best its been in years. So I'm a bit upset and a bit confused on how to progress.
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