by Susan jo
(New Jersey)
Hi Wray.
I'm guessing this is the only place to post a question. I was looking for your email instead. . Anyway. .what is your thoughts on the products below. I posted yesterday not sure if it went through or you have to ok them before they get posted.. Anyway. .in that post about my tests I couldn't edit it that I put hypoadrenalism it was hypothyroidism I had. Now my question about thoses products do you think it will help my problems: they are:
I feel my hypothalamus is unbalanced.
Tooth abcess
Hypothyroid and hyperthyroid symptoms
Ovarian cysts
Endometriosis and fibroids
Joint pain
Sensitive to sugar
Lately constant hunger like im not getting nutrients not feeling full.
Weightloss/gain but mostly loss.
I feel my adreal glands are exhausted.
I have fatigue and energy at the same time. .
I have had in the past immune disease. .RA/lupus it has gotten better now slowly returning.
I have thyroid nodules and in the past goiter.
Other symptoms to list. Everyday is a crap shoot of how I'm going to like everyone else on this forum.
Thank you
Susan Jo
So what do you think of those supplements. Along with taking progesterone.
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